You completely nailed it, I remember when I was a kid, and was suffering from lyme disease, I would feel the same way. I was just a spirit, I could be anything, but I was young and week, and I couldn’t make sense of it. But you perfectly manifested that feeling into Stu Alone, kudos.
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this is dope, thanks!!
You completely nailed it, I remember when I was a kid, and was suffering from lyme disease, I would feel the same way. I was just a spirit, I could be anything, but I was young and week, and I couldn’t make sense of it. But you perfectly manifested that feeling into Stu Alone, kudos.
Stu obviously reached nirvana.
I’m in the same situation these days.
Good luck Stu
this is so great!
This is dead on for the conversations I have with myself.